Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Soul Identity

I was born for a purpose that I have yet to see clearly..
But i know whatever it is, it is to testify to the innate goodness that every soul bears..
I'm righteous, im true to myself, moulded form the hands of my creator.
I have ears that listen, a voice that sings, eyes that frown upon evil and hands and feet that help me overcome its clutches..
I am a man who fears and loves his God for all that he's done for me.
I run like e wind, I play with all my heart, I love with all my soul.
I respect the power of my mind, and the fragility of my body.
I seek an unwavering wisdom while holding onto a child's exuberance..
I like to laugh but have no problems with crying...
I am a warrior...
I'm a child...
I love my family, I treasure my friends and loved ones..
I'm kamikaze...
I'm paramilitary...
I have superpowers...
I'm a force to be reckoned with...
I am the revolution that is in my soul...

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