Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Soul Identity

I was born for a purpose that I have yet to see clearly..
But i know whatever it is, it is to testify to the innate goodness that every soul bears..
I'm righteous, im true to myself, moulded form the hands of my creator.
I have ears that listen, a voice that sings, eyes that frown upon evil and hands and feet that help me overcome its clutches..
I am a man who fears and loves his God for all that he's done for me.
I run like e wind, I play with all my heart, I love with all my soul.
I respect the power of my mind, and the fragility of my body.
I seek an unwavering wisdom while holding onto a child's exuberance..
I like to laugh but have no problems with crying...
I am a warrior...
I'm a child...
I love my family, I treasure my friends and loved ones..
I'm kamikaze...
I'm paramilitary...
I have superpowers...
I'm a force to be reckoned with...
I am the revolution that is in my soul...

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Muskrat Love

Muskrat, muskrat candlelight
Doin' the town and doin' it right
In the evenin'
It's pretty pleasin'

Muskrat Susie, Muskrat Sam
Do the jitterbug out in muskrat land
And they shimmy
And Sammy's so skinny

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed
Singin' and jingin' the jango
Floatin' like the heavens above
It looks like muskrat love

Nibbling on bacon, chewin' on cheese
Sammy says to Susie "Honey, would you please be my missus?"
And she say yes
With her kisses

And now he's ticklin' her fancy
Rubbin' her toes Muzzle to muzzle,
now anything goes As they wriggle,
and Sue starts to giggle

And they whirled and they twirled and they tangoed
Singin' and jingin' the jango
Floatin' like the heavens above
It looks like muskrat love


Any takers?

Curtain Call?

Did you even want to hold me then
When we stood in the dark with an iceberg between us
Did all you have to offer
Leave me feeling used, confused and alone as it was

What will it come to if I have to ask for a touch?
If you can't embrace me like we do when we smile
But when the smiles are gone there isn't much
And I have been banished, alone in exile

Let go of your inhibitions
Maybe you'll find me waiting
Swallow your pride and accept the situation
Then realise that isolation is what I'm facing
This is not a competition...

Aren't we two acting as one?
But why do you scurry into your hole
When it's perfectly serene, where I am
Or are you afraid all that you'll meet is the cold

But you say its me
When you can ignore it so easily

Do you think you're alone in this
Is that how you'd rather it be?
What you fail to see is that I'm right here waiting
Oh baby why don't you just drop it and run to me?

Must I wait in torment to see if your gaze should return
While my heart closes what you have opened so easily
Do you really want it this way?
For if it's so your wish will realise itself eventually

Fight with me cry with me
Give me the respect you deserve
Run away leave me alone
You just might curtain call this love

Short end of The Stick

What if you knew she knew she was in control?
Would you still be the fool you have always been?
Would you revolt and change the way things unfold?
But would she still want to love you then?

What if you knew she'd only love you so much?
Would you still give it your all?
Would you play it like she does?
Or swallow your pride and take that all too familiar fall?

What if you had to choose again?
Would it kill you to know you'd still choose her?
Do you think she'd still choose you?
Or would she see the fool and not want you any longer?

Will you accept the short end of the stick?
Even if you knew in your heart you deserved better?
Or will you confront your heart in a rage so thick,
And lose any chance of a happily ever after?
T. De Cotta

Song Quotes:

  • She's got me lovestoned, I think I'm lovestoned.... and I think that she knows, I think that she knows, knows, ohh...


  • Now you've got the best of me come on and take the rest of me oh baby!!

The Real Thing

  • Love me, Love me, Say that you love me, Fool me, fool me, go on and fool me, cos I don't care 'bout anything but you...

The Cardigans