Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Revamp Inspiration

It seems like my mind is translated into reality in the living space I dwell within. It seems as though who you are is reflected both directly and indirectly in what you surround yourself with and ultimately dictates how you manipulate your immediate environment. I feel it's how the mind manifests its physical domain and hence creates a tangible medium that suits even its most insignificant nuance or the most subtle of indiosyncrasies. So at times, when my mind screams for change, I face the hindrance of an already established physical translation of my mental state, so much so, that my will for change gets supressed and I find myself in a state of inaction, which at times forces my mind to regress to the familiarity of what it knew before. But most of the time, this lack of will just needs a push.

Recently I've looked for inspiration in artistic expression, as, for me, that is THE best way to offset any kind of obsessive attachment to the previous state of mind, due to the unpredictable and liberal nature of making a picture in the mind real.. That in itself is already a direct manifestation of an entity only existent in the mind prior to the thought of it.. So conclusively, as MY mind makes sense of it, artistic expression is the fastest catalyst for change to manifest itself in my physical domain.

Most other things can be already physically available to be specifically tailored to the mind's preference as a result of the choice offered to that preference to start of with. For example, the choice of putting my black coffee table in the left corner of my room in respect to me when i'm facing the window while standing amidst the frame of my door, is one I can make thanks to the readily available possibility of putting it in many other positions within the confines for my 5 walls (Yes, I have 5 :) All almost within arms length i might add). However, it may not adequately translate to the amount of revamping my mind is going through at that instance in time and hence stifles the change altogether, which can be pretty detrimental to the evolution of my character and how it needs to assert itself (to put it mildly).

The physical manifestation of an image in my mind is, thus, by far the most proportionate expression of change in my state of mind and the philosophy it adheres to in the direction I inevitably choose for my life to drift in. Be it at the mercy of my fingers on this keyboard, or at the strings on my bass guitar, to the tip of my brush on my helpless wall, I feel the defining factor in the intensity of it all is the leap into the unknown, as the outcome of how I choose to express myself is, ironically, not subject to my choosing at all. So what results is a jolt to my will, strong enough to create an avalanche of change as a result of an unpresidented physical manifestation of the evolution of my state of mind...

Hence the burning desire to change my room decor... :)

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