Friday, December 1, 2006

Maiden Post

Darn it Timmy it's about time. A place to find solace in the words from my mind and to make sense of what i'm thinking of, by looking at it through my own eyes and not just within the confines of my thick impermeable skull. Things clear up when they're in black and white don't you think? Though it loses some vibrance, it seems neater especially with a scatter brain like mine.

Time to spread my writing wings which have pretty much been left to wither and crumble due to certain lazy tendencies such as procrastination and an all to familiar aquiscence to sloth (HA!), one of the seven deadly sins I've embraced all to fondly, hence my need to visit a confessional soon, lest i lose my soul (and its discretion to urge me to continue writing... get it get it.. i'm refering to my title dumbass.. ok lame)

wow wonder wat these format button thingies above do?

ok random bit of info: did you know a Jesus Christ Lizard's scientific name's basiliscus basiliscus?

(5 Points to you if you knew a Jesus Christ Lizard existed in the 1st place; I wonder how it got its name... maybe some American dude was like, "JESUS CHRIST!!" when it popped out from a tree or something...)
These inverted comma things are pretty cool.. But what do they do?
Where was I?

Oh yes somewhere along the lines of corniness. Well that really doesn't matter now does it? :O

I'm enthralled by the never more obvious reality of this blank screen in my face of which now i can write about the things that make my mind wander, but hopefully the feeling isn't fleeting and my blog posting ends up on e shelf, subject to a change in energy direction caused by the boredom from familiarity and routine of design of this presently intriguing HTML diary...

Its funny what the abundance of time can cause a man to do, such as, impulsively setting up a blog in the wee hours of the morning to quell a sudden urge to nonsensically punch keys in hopes of drawing out trains of thought, running simultanoeusly on the tracks through tunnels in his crowded mind, onto a virtual canvas, creating a seemingly circus-like display of the reality of his mind, amusing himself by piecing together commas relentlessly, as he thinks of new things to say..

I envision a blog with entries nonsensical and along the lines of outer-body experiences alike, and hereby pledge to please only me a.k.a. myself, in the typing of thoughts that form my mind, my persona, my soul... so dun blame me if a read of, "My Soul Dsicretion", leaves you with nothing, zero, zilch, and just a tinge less meaning to your miserable life compared to before you read it.


well more to come at the discretion of my soul...

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