Saturday, September 15, 2007

Show Me

Oh God of life, love, peace and mercy
Show me the way you have laid out for me
Help me get above me
And listen to what you want of me

Give me solace in your divinity
Let me take comfort in your continuity
When everything worldly reaches imperfection
Let me smile like a little child, with a spirit full of certainty

The certainty that you will never leave me
That you will always hold me
And that I will return to your embrace
At the end of my journey

If it's not too much to ask
Show me a glimpse of future-me
And let it be a me I can respect and hold up in dignity
For the whole world to see

Pick me up now, in a time of need and let me
Do what is right for the spirit in me
Let me never lose who I am
To anyone or anything
For in that spirit holds the love you have given me

Without which I will lose me
Show me
My Father, how much you love me.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

helloooo, just dropping by to say i miss you.. love love :)