Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Interpret Your Perception...

If we are made unique but the same all at once, then have you ever thought that what we perceive through our consciousness as the same thing in our minds may actually be that of our own unique interpretation of our perception? For example, what the shape of a square means to me might hold a totally different interpretation of shape to the next person, but may be similarly interpreted as the shape of a "square". Is what I know as fact alien to your interpretation of the very same fact in your mind? Who knows what we see through each others eyes? We are unique aren't we?
Is my square what you perceive to be what a square means to you?

Have you ever thought that how you see the world may only be unique to yourself? From the way the trees sway in the wind, to the sound the wind makes, as it brushes against your skin and how it feels and smells, how are you so sure that the person walking across the street from you in the same wind that's blowing through it is experiencing an identical perception of the weather? We would be sure if we held on to an established communal conscience prior to questioning, but after doing so, a new level of consciousness materializes and what we held as concrete to our understanding may in fact become something yet more fluid and deeper than we ever bothered to think possible. Take for instance, how we used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth only to learn that its mostly the other way around, and that our flat home turned out to be in fact spherical, and that we weren't the centre of the universe at all but a speck in its vast, unfathomable dimensions.

A Universe without and End

What if the world seems different to you than it does to me? What is the colour of the sky to you? Blue? Then does your blue match mine? What if I told you Pizza tastes this way to me? Will it be the same for you? What is your perception of everything around you relative to mine? What we identify as the same thing in a communal conscience may vary in the consciences unique to ourselves. What are conflicts made of? Can they arise from the ignorance of the existence of unique perceptions of common subjects in dialogue? Have we too much confidence in an existing communal conscience from the societal perception of everything around us that we fail to compensate for the heterogeneity of the communal conscience itself to begin with? Why do our leaders agree then suddenly find themselves at loggerheads over something they thought they were in unison before? Is this all because of our failure to acknowledge the varying interpretations of perception that every unique individual possesses? I think so.

An End to War?

We need to find a new awareness. An awareness of a higher state of consciousness that can accommodate the very possibility of the reality that what I see through my eyes may not necessarily be identical to what you see through yours. Only then can we, as a collective consciousness, come to understand each other at the level we seem to have never attained in history. Who knows, it may spell the end of wars, pioneer a oneness with our environment never achieved before, thus saving our ageing planet, planting the seed for the next generation where people take nothing for granted and everything as different interpretations of perceptions unique to every individual, letting consideration grace every opinion and the making the simple concept of understanding each other paramount in human identity. What a wonderful world this would be if this were so, wouldn't it? Think about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hello twinsie! OMG thats SOOO weird you wrote that....me and my friend sara just did a presentation like a year ago on that....haha we had like death music playing in the background and a GIANT spinning swirly on the ohp...we freaked the crap out of everyone!!!! it was awesome.

anywhoo yea i always wonder....the shirt im wearing for eg, is the blue im wearing actually red to you but you learnt it as "blue"???? what if we see everything differently that way. you can try and argue with science, saying we have proof of say, the anatomy of the eye...buttt we never actually see the real image, we're just seeing the electrical and chemical signals sent to our brain. so how would you know that the signals aren't just carrying different information in each person???

ohhhh another food for thought, if materialism is true, does morality even hold true anymore? like eg. the thought of taking my grandma flowers and the thought of taking a baseball bat to her face are just chemical-electrical signals in the brain. the signals which occur when i think of baseball bat to face can't be more moral than the signals when i think of bringing her the flowers. one pinch of salt can't be more moral than any other pinch! if you follow that reasoning, then it would be no worse to murder, than to give flowers! so matter and materialism (and science) can't be the only explanations to our perceptions. okkkkk GOOOOOOSEEEBUMPS!!!! haha.