Saturday, February 10, 2007

A Star Wars Reality

When the seemingly abandoned space arms race of yesteryear's Cold War suddenly appears in yesterday's headlines with China’s anti-satellite test, serious questions arise regarding the possibility of the realisation of science fiction yet again. Will George Lucas add the title of fortune teller to his other stellar credentials? When fears of the arming of space come fresh into society's conscience once more, one can't help but imagine the extrapolation of such events into the future.
Will we actually be manning gargantuan star destroyers and fighting stellar wars not over countries but for conquest of worlds in our vast galaxy? As ridiculous as that sounds, we cannot deny the numerous instances where science fiction already physically manifested itself in our real world.

Take for example, the recent advent of holographic technology used in advertising where companies such as Vizoo use advanced video design to make life-like holograms that even R2-D2 would be proud of. The holographic industry will see an end to Princess Leia's monopoly in it, with clients ranging from Virgin to Adidas catching hold of this revolutionary technology to market goods on a whole new level never attained before.

What about the legendary laser rifle? As part of the arsenal of the much feared Imperial Stormtroopers in George Lucas' epic saga, the idea of laser rifles may just have made its way into the arsenal of the United States Marine Corps in the form of the Vehicle-Mounted Active Denial System or VMADS. Nicknamed the, "Ray Gun", it is capable of immobilising a target from as far as three quarters of a kilometer, using projected energy similar to microwaves to burn but not kill. With extrapolation of such technology in mind once again, the future generations, in local context, may be entering national service to train to become the very stormtroopers we have seen in Star Wars to begin with, armed with powerful laser rifles and with the bulky and fashionably disastrous uniform even.
How often have people laughed at the prophecies of science fiction claiming it to be the muse of acne-stricken video game geeks and nerds who win science fairs with outrageous inventions futile to the benefit of mankind, only to see such prophecies materialize?

Applying such extrapolations to the current threat of a possible space arms race since the Cold War, which saw both Russia and the States conduct anti-satellite tests, it is frighteningly easy to envision the extraterrestrial course of war as yet another realisation of science fiction throughout history. The Hollywood depiction of zero-gravity dogfights and lightspeed travel may even be the stuff of primetime news in the future; a future where interplanetary warfare reigns as chaos unfolds among the stars; and as the casualties increase, the title of the classic series, "Lost in Space", may become way too morbid.
As we reach the frontiers of space exploration, the possibility of the arming of space seems not just that, but more of an inevitability, with current events such as the shooting down of satellites making headline news. Soon the question of satellite defence will arise, and before you know it we might be taking war right into the realm beyond our atmosphere. What was known to us as an epic movie title may just be the scourge of a generation not a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, but right here in Earth’s backyard in the not so distant future; an all too disturbing Star Wars reality. I’d surely prefer to keep viewing Star Wars on a cinema’s canvas screen with popcorn and a coke, rather than it being a clear and present danger looming in the stars above.
If all this ever materialises, will we be prepared to deal with its consequences? Will there be those who rise to the responsibility of policing our dangerous potential in space, like the noble and wise Jedi? It is a marvel how we have the power to make our dreams reality, but often do we find ourselves lacking the mettle to face the reality of it all. Is a Star Wars reality what we have to offer our grandchildren or the stellar but peaceful progress of the human race?

Written attempt for a published article.

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

A Prayer With Chris in Mind

I realized as I lay down to sleep
We haven’t spoke in weeks
So many things that I’d like to know
Come have a talk with me
I need a sign, something I can see
Why all the mystery?
I try not to fall for make believe
But what is reality?

Where do we go? What do we know?
Life has to have a meaning
Show me the light
Show me the way
Show that you’re listening

Show me that you love me
Show me that you walk with me
Hopefully, just above me
Heaven’s watching over me

Guess it’s funny how I say thanks to you
For all you’ve given me
Sometimes the price of what you gave to me
I can’t stop questioning
O God of love, peace, and mercy
Why so much suffering?
I pray for the world, it gets worse to me
Wonder if you’re listening

When people go? Why do they go?
Why don’t you choose me?
But someday I know I’m gonna go
I hope you’re waiting for me

Show me that you love me
Show me that you walk with me
Hopefully, just above me
Heaven’s watching over me

Maybe we’ll talk
Some other night
Right now I’ll take it easy
Won’t spent my time
Waiting to die
Enjoy the life I’m living

Show me that you love me
Show me that you walk with me
Hopefully, just above me
Heaven’s watching over me

Thank you John Legend for touching my soul with this beautiful prayer.
May you rest in peace Chris, you will be remembered.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Interpret Your Perception...

If we are made unique but the same all at once, then have you ever thought that what we perceive through our consciousness as the same thing in our minds may actually be that of our own unique interpretation of our perception? For example, what the shape of a square means to me might hold a totally different interpretation of shape to the next person, but may be similarly interpreted as the shape of a "square". Is what I know as fact alien to your interpretation of the very same fact in your mind? Who knows what we see through each others eyes? We are unique aren't we?
Is my square what you perceive to be what a square means to you?

Have you ever thought that how you see the world may only be unique to yourself? From the way the trees sway in the wind, to the sound the wind makes, as it brushes against your skin and how it feels and smells, how are you so sure that the person walking across the street from you in the same wind that's blowing through it is experiencing an identical perception of the weather? We would be sure if we held on to an established communal conscience prior to questioning, but after doing so, a new level of consciousness materializes and what we held as concrete to our understanding may in fact become something yet more fluid and deeper than we ever bothered to think possible. Take for instance, how we used to think the Sun revolved around the Earth only to learn that its mostly the other way around, and that our flat home turned out to be in fact spherical, and that we weren't the centre of the universe at all but a speck in its vast, unfathomable dimensions.

A Universe without and End

What if the world seems different to you than it does to me? What is the colour of the sky to you? Blue? Then does your blue match mine? What if I told you Pizza tastes this way to me? Will it be the same for you? What is your perception of everything around you relative to mine? What we identify as the same thing in a communal conscience may vary in the consciences unique to ourselves. What are conflicts made of? Can they arise from the ignorance of the existence of unique perceptions of common subjects in dialogue? Have we too much confidence in an existing communal conscience from the societal perception of everything around us that we fail to compensate for the heterogeneity of the communal conscience itself to begin with? Why do our leaders agree then suddenly find themselves at loggerheads over something they thought they were in unison before? Is this all because of our failure to acknowledge the varying interpretations of perception that every unique individual possesses? I think so.

An End to War?

We need to find a new awareness. An awareness of a higher state of consciousness that can accommodate the very possibility of the reality that what I see through my eyes may not necessarily be identical to what you see through yours. Only then can we, as a collective consciousness, come to understand each other at the level we seem to have never attained in history. Who knows, it may spell the end of wars, pioneer a oneness with our environment never achieved before, thus saving our ageing planet, planting the seed for the next generation where people take nothing for granted and everything as different interpretations of perceptions unique to every individual, letting consideration grace every opinion and the making the simple concept of understanding each other paramount in human identity. What a wonderful world this would be if this were so, wouldn't it? Think about it.